Wednesday, June 5, 2013

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Do you want to get the girl that's right for you?  Tired of waiting for the girl to come to you?
Don't know how to start to get a girl?  Sick of being lonely?  Meeting all the wrong girls?

Then buy this new eBook:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Dating is a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by two people with the aim of each assessing the others suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse.

From Wikipedia.

To get the girl you want go here:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dating Advice For Car Lovers

This is not necessary but if you love cars this is the advice:

Learn how to get the girl you want:

In today's dating scene, it has never been more important to make the right impression.

Dating is the latest casualty in America's constant effort to save time.

Online dating services, mobile connecting and speed dating have replaced long walks on the beach and lengthy dinner conversations.

Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, renowned dating experts and co-authors of the New York Times best-selling series "The Rules," are helping singles adjust to this new era with their latest dating advice.

"When you only have a few minutes to assess your date, you have to make a great impression," says Fein. "Presentation is everything. Clothing goes a long way for men and women. Men are highly visual and can sense confidence. If you think you look good, he'll think you look good. Men, don't be sloppy. A well-dressed man is so much more appealing to a woman. And it's okay to dab on a little cologne, but don't overdo it or she'll be running for the door!"

In addition to personal presentation, the car you drive matters. A new Ford Fusion singles survey says men and women agree that cars make an impression on a date.

Ninety-five percent of women and 89 percent of men are extremely or somewhat likely to notice a first date's car; in addition, 52 percent of men made a connection with their date in a car, 50 percent of women promised a second date and nearly half of women experienced a first kiss in an automobile.

"Cars can tell you a lot about your date's personality," says Schneider. "Men, make your car work for you. Be sure to keep it clean. Throw away all of those fast food wrappers and get rid of the gym clothes and sports equipment. Also, be sure to ask her what music she wants to hear and open the doors. Chivalry is not dead. Ladies, if you are driving, get rid of the girlie things in the backseat. Nothing says needy like a stuffed teddy bear."

It's not just cleanliness or stuffed teddy bears that can make a difference.

Cars such as the Ford Fusion are designed to make the right impression. With leather interior and sporty design and handling, it's just the right car to drive you to a second date.

 Learn more here:

Friday, April 5, 2013

What You Need to Seduce a woman

To learn more about what you need to get the girl you want go to:

Reality.  You say one lie (that you are bold-faced aware you are saying), and you have just changed the game.  You now have to keep track of the lie, never forget it, and know that that lie is what part of your potential relationship is now based on.  For she will believe you.  And one day, if you are both lucky enough to get involved, she will find out.  And she will dump your ass.  Or do a LOT of haranguing and how-could-yous….

In the same respect as you will be yourself—nervous if you are nervous (some girls find that adorable); clumsy if you are clumsy (some girls find this endearing)—you will also remember that the girl you seek to impress might not be the one for you…no matter how close a next-door neighbor she is or how many years you all went to the same football games and movies.  Do not bother “bartering above your station” if she is not the type to date your type.

Confidence.  Don’t think yourself unworthy of every woman who walks into study hall, either.  Try, please, TRY to strike a healthy balance between “Ah, me,” (ala Eyore) and the cock of the walk.  We do not know how to handle either of you.  WE don’t know what to do with a whimpering one—other than play armchair psychologist—and we don’t know how to act around an egotist—other than to giggle NERVOUSLY, as in DANGER to our self-preservation instincts, which are telling us to run.

Interests.  Have interests other than guns.  Talk about something besides your Nazi swastika collection.  In fact, if you are a skinhead or neo-Nazi, you may have other things on your mind besides how to seduce women.  So ignore this article, won’t you?  When you ask her questions, for God’s sake—or yours—LISTEN to the answer.  Don’t look at her boobs.  Don’t keep saying uh-huh.  Uh-huh.  Uh-huh. Interact.

Health.  The studies show that we are attracted to the body and face that represents the optimum reproductive abilities and features.  That is, white teeth, symmetrical shapes, etc., are not consciously sought after but certainly part of the search.  Brush, bathe, shave, etc..  And smell good.  Whatever that means.

Fairness.  Do not put her on some Madonna (or Madonna/whore combo) pedestal.  She is not Angelina Jolie. She is not your mother.  She won’t make love to you forty times a week.  She won’t cook for you or jump up from her studies to do the dishes if you demand it, expect it, or insist that Mommy always did it for you.  If you are just meeting her, don’t tell her how much you adore your mother or how many nights a week Mom comes along on dates with you.  In fact, if you’re an actual Mommy’s Boy, don’t even bother reading this.

Positivity.  Whatever You do, do not fake joy and sunshine and lollipops if your favorite pet just died, but try to see something good in every person you meet, not just the one that your biology cannot ignore.  Try to see, especially, some good in yourself.  Smiling and jokes are often great bonding mechanisms.  So is “Hello.”

 To learn more about what you need to get the girl you want go to:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Reading Body Language

Body language is a discipline about non-verbal
behavior, one of the most powerful, private and
quite language because it helps you understand
emotions and feelings of people around you.

Body language is one of the most important
languages to learn because after you know how to
interpret the behavior of others you will know
what they really think.

Reading and interpreting body language is an art
and science. She makes every action with a
purpose and it expresses something. Therefore, it
is very important to discover reading body
language, signals, smiles, gestures.

Maybe you have a friend, a girl one, and you want
to know if she is interested in you, or it is a
girl that you like and you do not know how to
approach her, or just you meet her in a club and
she looks interested in you, learn to read her
body language to know her feelings. You can see
exactly what a woman thinks by reading her body
language, pay attention to the signs, read them
and use them to your advantage.

Women's body language is very subtle so you
should know to read it. Let us say that she is a
girl that you really like and you meet her at a
party. Watch her closely as soon as you get a
sign that she is interested in you too, to make
sure that you catch her with your charm.

You can find out her thoughts and feelings by
reading the signs:

* watch her head toss, if she throw her hair over
her shoulders and show off her neck, it means
that she want to attract attention

* if she pushes her fingers throw her hair means
that she really love to be conquered

* she looks into your eyes with deep interest
means that she wants to meet you better

* while talking to you, she blinks more than
usual, fluttering her eyelashes

* if she get nervous while you are looking at her
means that she is a little shy, but she has
interest in you

* her skin tone becomes red while being around you

* big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing
with a relaxed face

* she bumps into you and touches you accidentally
means that she wanted to be sure that you sow her

* she is  dressed very sexy , to show her nipples
underneath and she is fixing her outfit to make
herself look better, means that she is friendly
and free

* also, the most appealing position for men is a
woman sitting with one leg pressed against the
other, placing one hand on her thigh, it's surely
 a clear call for attention

* if her pupils dilated when she is looking at
you means that she likes you

* she shows her shoulders, legs or feet means
that she is comfortable with the surroundings and
with you

* raises eyebrows while talking is a sign of

* when you talk with her  if she is looking at
your mouth while talking and smiles at every
slick thing you try to say, you definitely caught

* if she bites her lips often means that she is
nervous and you better stop staring at her

* also, if she sits with her arms crossed
together she is very angry and she don't want to
have nothing with you at the moment

* if she touches the edge of the glass with her
fingers, is an sexual sign, it is a sign of
intrinsic calmness, self control and waiting to
sit by her

* another sign that she is interested in you is
if she plays with her jewelries while you are
passing over her, especially with stoking and
pulling motions

If the girl you like gives you this signs that
she is interested in you too, do not lose time
and make the first step to catch her. Learn to
hold eye contact longer than her, show her that
you are not afraid and do not look away until she
does. Use a confident voice tone - this turns
women on.

Also, knowing reading body language can help you
detect if a person is lying you:

- if she is not looking in your eyes directly
while speaking

- is nervous and uncomfortable being with you

- she is saying different stories on different

- is extremely defensiveness

As you see, it is very important to know to read
the women’s body language, even if you want to
attract one, even if you have already a
girlfriend to know which her feelings for you are.

To get all you need to get the girl you want go to

Religious Dating - Traditions and Values

Dating someone with the same religious beliefs as you, can often result in a rewarding relationship where both you and your partner can share in the same values and traditions. It also means that if your dating becomes serious, you are less likely to have problems with family members disapproving of your choice. Of course, it shouldn't matter if they disapprove of your date or not, but in all honesty, the opinion of anyone you respect or love will have an effect on you, which could lead to problems.

Regardless of which religion you belong to Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc. you will discover that there are many ways you can connect with others who share your religion and are interested in perusing a relationship with you. You will find that this is an excellent way to begin dating, especially since it means that you already have something in common with your date.

Having one similar interest will help to create a solid conversation that is understood by both you and your date. Once you have broken the ice, you should be able to feel more at ease with one another, so you can begin exploring new topics that are of interest to the both of you.

Another advantage that you have when dating another person from your religion is that you can:

Attend Celebrations/Ceremonies Together Since you share the same or similar religious background as your date, you may be interested in attending prayer services or other religious outings, and share in the traditions together.
Become a Member of Any Clubs or Groups - if your religious community has any activities or meetings, it might be a good idea for you and your date to attend and become involved in something that may not only bring you closer physically, but also spiritually.

On the other side of the coin, dating someone who is of a different religious background as you can also be quite the adventure. Although highly frowned upon in the past, more than ever, especially in the Western culture, people of different religions are dating and even marrying. Naturally, not everyone agrees with these proceedings, but when it comes to love, the only opinions that should matter is yours and your partner's.

Therefore, regardless of whom you date, and what religion they follow, you can still keep up with the value and traditions that matter to you. If you and your date were meant to be, he or she will recognize what is important to you, as you should them. After all, although religions differ in beliefs and many other traditions, they all teach the importance and value of love.

Great at your job but trouble with the ladies go to :

Romance - Rekindle With Thoughts

Romance is in the mind. If anybody thought that body has anything to do with romance, he/she must rethink. Romance is in the mind and the heart. Romance is in the eyes. Romance is in words. Romance is in music. Romance is in beauty.

Imagine looking at a wreck. Now think of romance. You will fail. Go to a spot of beauty, say a mountain range. You will not have to think of romance. It will happen. Similarly listen to some noises and think about your sweetheart. You will not be able to. Now put on some lovely music and your thought will automatically turn to your darling. Romance has to do with senses. The senses receive stimuli and take us to the phase of romance. If you can combine a beautiful sight, with lovely music and love thoughts, you will be creating a romantic atmosphere in a short time. You will not have to do it. It will happen.

We all face typical problems. We work most of the times in surroundings that are highly unromantic. No four walls, full of cubicles and people working on their computers can by any stretch of imagination be called romantic. What if you download a screensaver that combines beautiful visuals, lovely music and text that can create love in no time? You will feel romantic watching it even sitting in the same work place full of cubicles. Am I right? You can do it now. Such screensavers are being offered on the Internet. You have a large choice and can download as many as you want at no cost. Whenever you are feeling unexcited and tired with your work, remove the stress and go in the mood of romance with such screensavers that are full of love thoughts.

Romance is enchanting. Romance is life giving. If you are in romantic love, please don't waste any time. Enjoy the love as much as you can. One day, that love will disappear. It is like a small kid. Parents who miss loving their kid when he/she is small, find that after some years they can never do that. The clock does not turn back. Same applies  with romance. Bring romance thoughts in front of you and enjoy the bliss now.

To get the right advice to get that special girl or girls visit:

Monday, January 21, 2013

I'm back

I am back after a few years off the blog.  I'll have to fix the link for that first video haha, it seems to no longer work.  I hope you are all doing well in 2013!  I hope you all had a great new year :)
What did you do for new year?  Tell me here!